2015년 3월 15일 일요일

Gordon Ramsay on how to cook the perfect steak (고든 램지의 스테이크 만들기)

This is the video what I want to share with my classmates.

I love eating steak. However, it is pretty difficult to grill the meat in a way as i like.

I searched many websites to find the way to cook more perfectly.

This is the best recipe i've ever found.

If you like steak, you might need to watch this and follow it.

댓글 5개:

  1. This video sure makes me hungry..!!!!!!!

  2. thank you for giving useful information~:]

  3. I think I can not cook that perfect steak.... I'm really bad at cooking haha

  4. ummmmmmmmm...makes me hungry 2222
